Where to Download PHP eBooks?


Publishing:Packt Publishing Birmingham-Mumbai

Authors:Ahsanul Bari, Anupom Syam Step-by-step introduction to rapid web development using the open-source MVC CakePHP framework

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Publisher:Zend Technologies

Authors:Stuart Herbert, Daniel Kushner, George Schlossnagle, Chris Shiflett, Björn Schotte The Zend PHP Certification Study Guide covers every topic that is part

of the exam. It was developed by some of the very same authors who designed the exam’s

questions and was thoroughly reviewed to ensure that it provides every bit of information required to cover each subject appropriately.
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Publisher:No Strach

Authors:William Steinmetz, Brian Ward Wicked Cool PHP contains a wide variety of scripts to process credit

cards, check the validity of email  addresses, template HTML, and serve dynamic images and text. The 76

easily implemented scripts will also teach you how to download and you will now
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Publisher: Apress

Authors:Francois Zaninotto,Fabien Potencier For this book, you need a basic understanding of PHP 5 and

object-oriented programming. Of course, having already developed web applications in PHP before reading

this book is a plus, for you will see this book as a collection of answers to the questions you regularly ask yourself
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Publisher: Friendsof an Apress company

Authors: Kevin Potts, Robert Sable, Nathan Smith Each one of this book’s authors has traversed the meandering road of open-source content manage-ment, arriving at Textpattern as a powerful tool to assist in rapid site development. The bookyou are now reading is one that we wanted to have when we first learned to use this system. It is the result of alabor of love for a methodology that has made our lives easier.
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Publisher: Sitepoint

Author: Harry Fuecks The PHP Anthology is, first and foremost, a compilation of the best solutions provided to common PHP questions that turn up at the SitePoint Forums on a regular basis, combined with the experiences and insights I’ve gained from my work with PHP on a daily basis over the last four years
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Publisher:WileyAuthor:Mohammed J.Kabir

This book is designed for intermediate-level to advanced-level PHP developers who can review the fifty PHP applications

developed for this book and deploy them as is or customize them as needed.
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Publisher:The Pragmatic BookshelfAuthor:Derek DeVries,Mike Naberezny

Rails embraces a general development philosophy that sets a high pri-ority on creating maintainable code. By following some simple guide-

lines, you should be able to keep a uniform pace of development and be free to change your code with little fear of breaking existing functional-ity.

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Publisher:O’ReillyAuthor:Rasmus Lerdorf, Peter Macintyre,Kevin Tatroe

Programming PHP, Second Edition is the authoritative guide to PHP 5 and
is filled with the unique knowledge of the creator of PHP (Rasmus
Lerdorf) and other PHP experts. When it comes to creating web sites, the
PHP scripting language is truly a red-hot property. In fact, PHP is
currently used on more than 19 million web sites, surpassing Microsoft’s
ASP .NET technology in popularity. Programmers love its flexibility and
speed; designers love its accessibility and convenience.

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Publisher:AppresAuthor:Kevin McArthur

This is an advanced book. I have needed to choose carefully which information to include and what readers should be expected to know already. Readers should have a

solid understanding of HTTP and PHP—that is, you should understand how to make web pages and build forms, and you should understand key concepts like the HTTP request cycle.
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Publisher:PACKET publishingAuthor:Shu-Wai Chow

Take advantage of the leading open source integrated development environment to develop,organize, and debug

your PHP web development projects.
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Publisher:PACKT publishingAuthor:Shu-Wai Chow Create practical mashuos in PHP,grabbing and mixing data from Google

Maps,Flickr,Amazon,YouTube, MSN Search,Yahoo!,Last.fm, and 411Sync.com
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