Customer Service Phone Number

Thousands of people buy amazon products every second including  ebooks, books  and gadgets etc. Very few people know customer care number.

Call them and ask anything you want to know! customer service phone number – 1-866-216-1072

International customers can reach us at – 1-206-266-2992.

Amazon’s rebate center: 1-866-348-2492

Amazon Corporate Accounts: 1-866-486-2360

Snail mail to customer service, Inc.

Customer Service

PO Box 81226

Seattle, WA 98108-1226

Service for Amazon Sellers


They also have special e-mail accounts for spoofing and abuse:

Canadian Customer Service
Phone 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific: (877)-586-3230

Corporate Offices, Seattle

(206) 622-2335

The fax number has changed. 206-266-1832 is no longer a fax number.

New! Fax for Amazon's legal Department: 206-266-7010

UK Customer Service

Phone: +44.208.636.9200

More UK numbers, from a reader:

Freephone (only from within the UK): 0800 279 6620

Phone (outside the UK): +44 20 8636 9451

Fax (free from within the UK): 0800 279 6630

Fax (outside the UK): +44 20 8636 9401

An Aussie who contacted me verified the number above but for Aussies you need to dial it this way: 0011 1 206 266-2992.

UK Snail Mail: Ltd
Patriot Court
1-9 The Grove
SL1 1QP Headquarters
Address: 1200 12th Ave., Ste. 1200
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 266-1000
Fax: (206) 622-2405

Info e-mail: is no longer a working e-mail address.
(Amazon's CEO is Jeff Bezos, if you want a name to put on an e-mail or fax to this office.)

Amazon  customer service is good.

You asked for it! e-Bay and PayPal Phone Numbers and More!

e-Bay, Inc. - 408-376-7400

Toll Free: 800-322-9266

And another one: 888-749-3229



or 402-935-2050

For PayPal in the UK: 0870 7307 191 (replace the first 0 by +44 if dialling from outside the UK)

PayPal (Europe) Ltd
Hotham House
1 Heron Square
Richmond Upon Thames

Yahoo! - 1-408-349-1572

Netflix - 1-800-585-8131


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