Yahoo instant messenger is now on Kindle?

Kindle is very useful device, now it is possible to log into Yahoo Mail using the Kindle, turns out that you now access Yahoo Messenger with the Kindle using the Yahoo mobile service. How cool is that?
I always wanted to check my email and yahoo messenger because of my boss!
Now while I am sitting on a park I can read new PHP-MYSQL 5 EBooks and can talk with my boss without paying any thing.

Staying logged into your Yahoo messenger for long is not a good idea because it will drain your battery. Since the mobile Yahoo messenger site does not use flash or java, you will be required to manually refresh the page to see any new messages you have received.

If you want to try this out yourself, you can follow the link to the Yahoo mobile messenger site:


4 thoughts on “Yahoo instant messenger is now on Kindle?

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  2. Yahoo_User

    After struggling with this, I just downloaded Trillian on my Kindle and added my Yahoo account. I am now online and chatting!

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