PHP Paypal Recurring PayPro Flow

I spend several day to figure our Paypal Recurring PayPro Flow Payment API.
But finally managed to create something cool with a class. I would like to share with you guys.

Why Paypal Recurring PayPro Flo ?
Companies want to charge there customers on monthly basics for different services that’s why its called Recurring. With PayPro Flow Payment API it become smooth and as a advantage user/customer does not leave site while making payment. Paypal will charge you $30 per month to create this account with PayPro Flow Payment system. This is where you can see everything related to your account.
In order to activate Recurring you need to make phone call to Paypal account manger and request them to enable Recurring then only it will work.

Code and examples –
This class “PayFlowTransaction.class.php” have everything you need.
Apart from that there is one more file, which you will be using to pass your form variables and it will show you result. So called instance!

What you can do with this class and code –
1. Create Recurring Billing Profile
2. Modify – Recurring Billing Amount and CC detials or anything
3. Reactivate – Reactivate Cancelled profile.
4. Cancel – You can cancel profile anytime
5. Inquiry – Details of each payment for a profile and Status of a customer’s profile
6. Payment – Retry a previously failed payment
You have to just pass correct variable and look litte bit in this documentation
In order to see this code in action you need to have your own account.

$txn->PARTNER = ‘PayPal’; // this is default
$txn->USER = ‘your_username’;
$txn->PWD= ‘You_should_ask_to_admin’;
$txn->VENDOR = ‘yourvendername_checkwith_your_admin’; //$txn->USER; //or your vendor name


 public function load_config() {
  if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_USER') ) {
   $this->data['USER'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_USER');
  if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_PWD') ) {
   $this->data['PWD'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_PWD');

  if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_PARTNER') ) {
   $this->data['PARTNER'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_PARTNER');
  if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_VENDOR') ) { 
   $this->data['VENDOR'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_VENDOR');
  else {
   if ( isset($this->data['USER']) ) {
    $this->data['VENDOR'] = $this->data['USER'];
   else {
    $this->data['VENDOR'] = null;
 public function __set( $key, $val ) {
  $this->data[$key] = $val;
 public function __get( $key ) {
  if ( isset($this->data[$key]) ) {
   return $this->data[$key];
  return null;
 public function get_gateway_url() {
  if ( strtolower($this->environment) == 'live' ) {
   return $this->gateway_url_live;
  else {
   return $this->gateway_url_devel;
 public function get_data_string() {
  $query = array();

  if ( !isset($this->data['VENDOR']) || !$this->data['VENDOR'] ) {
 $this->data['VENDOR'] = $this->data['USER'];

  foreach ( $this->data as $key => $value) {
   if ( $this->debug ) {
    echo "{$key} = {$value}
   $query[] = strtoupper($key) . '[' .strlen($value).']='.$value;
  return implode('&', $query);

 public function before_send_transaction() {
  $this->txn_successful = false;
  $this->raw_response = null; //reset raw result
  $this->response_arr = array();
 public function reset() {
  $this->txn_successful = null;
  $this->raw_response = null; //reset raw result
  $this->response_arr = array();
  $this->data = array();
 public function send_transaction() {
  try { 
   $data_string = $this->get_data_string();
      $headers[] = "Content-Type: text/namevalue"; //or text/xml if using XMLPay.
      $headers[] = "Content-Length: " . strlen ($data_string);  // Length of data to be passed 
      $headers[] = "X-VPS-Timeout: {$this->vps_timeout}";
      $headers[] = "X-VPS-Request-ID:" . uniqid(rand(), true);
   $headers[] = "X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL";          // What you are using
   $headers = array_merge( $headers, $this->headers );
   if ( $this->debug ) {
    echo  __METHOD__ . ' Sending: ' . $data_string . '
      $ch = curl_init();
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->get_gateway_url() );
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);                // tells curl to include headers in response
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);        // return into a variable
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 90);              // times out after 90 secs
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);        // this line makes it work under https
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);        //adding POST data
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,  2);       //verifies ssl certificate
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, TRUE);       //forces closure of connection when done
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);          //data sent as POST
   $i = 0;
      while ($i++ <= $this->gateway_retries) {
          $result = curl_exec($ch);
          $headers = curl_getinfo($ch);
          if (array_key_exists('http_code', $headers) && $headers['http_code'] != self::HTTP_RESPONSE_OK) {
              sleep($this->gateway_retry_wait);  // Let's wait to see if its a temporary network issue.
          else  {
              // we got a good response, drop out of loop.

      if ( !array_key_exists('http_code', $headers) || $headers['http_code'] != self::HTTP_RESPONSE_OK ) {
    throw new InvalidResponseCodeException;

   $this->raw_response = $result;
   $result = strstr($result, "RESULT");
   $ret = array();

      while( strlen($result) > 0 ){

          $keypos = strpos($result,'=');
          $keyval = substr($result,0,$keypos);
          // value
          $valuepos = strpos($result,'&') ? strpos($result,'&'): strlen($result);
          $valval = substr($result,$keypos+1,$valuepos-$keypos-1);

          // decoding the respose
          $ret[$keyval] = $valval;
          $result = substr($result, $valuepos+1, strlen($result) );
   return $ret;
  catch( Exception $e ) {
   throw $e;
 public function response_handler( $response_arr ) {
  try { 
      $result_code = $response_arr['RESULT']; // get the result code to validate.
   if ( $this->debug ) {
    echo __METHOD__ . ' response=' . print_r( $response_arr, true) . '
    echo __METHOD__ . ' RESULT=' . $result_code . '
   if ( $result_code == 0 ) {

    // Even on zero, still check AVS
          if ( $this->avs_addr_required ) {
     $err_msg = "Your billing (street) information does not match.";
           if ( isset($response_arr['AVSADDR'])) {
                if ($response_arr['AVSADDR'] != "Y") {
              throw new AVSException( $err_msg  );
              else {
               if ( $this->avs_addr_required == 2 ) {
              throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
    if ( $this->avs_zip_required ) {
              $err_msg = "Your billing (zip) information does not match. Please re-enter.";
           if (isset($nvpArray['AVSZIP'])) {
               if ($nvpArray['AVSZIP'] != "Y") {
       throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
              else {
               if ( $this->avs_zip_required == 2 ) {
              throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
          if ( $this->require_cvv2_match ) {
     $err_msg = "Your card code is invalid. Please re-enter.";
           if ( array_key_exists('CVV2MATCH', $response_arr) ) {
               if ($response_arr['CVV2MATCH'] != "Y") {
                   throw new CVV2Exception( $err_msg );
              else {
               if ( $this->require_cvv2_match == 2 ) {
              throw new CVV2Exception( $err_msg );
    // Return code was 0 and no AVS exceptions raised
    $this->txn_successful = true;
    parse_str($this->raw_response, $this->response_arr);
    return $this->response_arr;
      else if ($result_code == 1 || $result_code == 26) {
    throw new InvalidCredentialsException( "Invalid API Credentials" );
      else if ($result_code == 12) {
          // Hard decline from bank.
          throw new TransactionDataException( "Your transaction was declined." );
      else if ($result_code == 13) {
          // Voice authorization required.
          throw new TransactionDataException ("Your Transaction is pending. Contact Customer Service to complete your order.");
      else if ($result_code == 23 || $result_code == 24) {
          // Issue with credit card number or expiration date.
         $msg = 'Invalid credit card information: ' . $response_arr['RESPMSG'];
         throw new TransactionDataException ($msg);
      // Using the Fraud Protection Service.
      // This portion of code would be is you are using the Fraud Protection Service, this is for US merchants only.
      if ( $this->fraud_protection ) {
          if ($result_code == 125) {
              // 125 = Fraud Filters set to Decline.
              throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction has been declined. Contact Customer Service to place your order." );
          else if ($result_code == 126) {
              throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction is Under Review. We will notify you via e-mail if accepted." );
          else if ($result_code == 127) {
     throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction is Under Review. We will notify you via e-mail if accepted." );
      // Throw generic response
      throw new FuseException( $response_arr['RESPMSG'] );
  catch( Exception $e ) {
   throw $e;

 public function process() {
  try { 
   return $this->response_handler($this->send_transaction());
  catch( Exception $e ) {
   throw $e;

 public function apply_associative_array( $arr, $options = array() ) {
  try { 
   $map_array = array();
   if ( isset($options[self::KEY_MAP_ARRAY]) ) {
    $map_array = $options[self::KEY_MAP_ARRAY];
   foreach( $arr as $cur_key => $val ) {

    if( isset($map_array[$cur_key]) ) {
     $cur_key = $map_array[$cur_key];
    else {
     if ( isset($options['require_map']) && $options['require_map'] ) {
    $this->data[strtoupper($cur_key)] = $val;
  catch( Exception $e ) {
   throw $e;

// Added by me 

class FuseException extends Exception {

class InvalidCredentialsException extends Exception {

class GatewayException extends Exception {

class InvalidResponseCodeException extends GatewayException {

class TransactionDataException extends Exception {

class AVSException extends TransactionDataException {

class CVV2Exception extends TransactionDataException {

class FraudProtectionException extends Exception {




PARTNER = 'PayPal'; 
   $txn->USER = 'APIwebsite';
   $txn->PWD= 'You_should_ask_to_admin';
   $txn->VENDOR = 'yourvendername_checkwith_your_admin'; //$txn->USER; //or your vendor name

   // transaction information

	// To Perform Recurring Tasks  START 
    $txn->TRXTYPE='R'; // 
    $txn->ACTION='A'; // Specifies Add (A), Modify (M), Cancel (C), Reactivate (R), Inquiry (I), or Payment (P) (To - Retry a previously failed payment).
    $txn->PROFILENAME='phpmindSubscription'; //  Name for the profile (user-specified). Can be used to search for a profile. Non-unique identifying text name
    $tomorrow = date('mdY',mktime()+86400);
    // $txn->START=date("mdY");   // Beginning date for the recurring billing cycle used to calculate when payments should be made. Use tomorrow’s date or a date in the future. Format: MMDDYYYY
    $txn->PAYPERIOD='MONT'; // Specifies how often the payment occurs:  MONT: Monthly, FRWK: Every Four Weeks, QTER: Quarterly
    $txn->TERM='0';  // A value of 0 means that payments should continue until the profile is deactivated. Or specfiy number 
    // $txn->OPTIONALTRX='S'; // S: a Sale transaction for an initial fee specified by OPTIONALTRXAMT. Defines an optional Authorization for validating the account information or for charging an initial fee. If this transaction fails, then the profile is not generated
    $txn->COMMENT1= $_SESSION['username'];  // (Optional) Merchant-defined value for reporting and auditing purposes. Limitations: 128 alphanumeric characters
    $txn->COMMENT2= $COMMENT2; // In my case selected plan :::  (Optional) Merchant-defined value for reporting and auditing purposes. Limitations: 128 alphanumeric characters
    $txn->RECURRING ='Y';
    $txn->COMPANYNAME = $_SESSION['username']."__".$_SESSION['item_description'];
    ///////////////////////  // To Perform Recurring Tasks  END

     $txn->TENDER = 'C'; //sets to a cc transaction P for paypal
     $txn->ACCT = $ccn; //cc number
     // $txn->TRXTYPE = 'S'; //txn type: sale
     $txn->AMT = $amount; //amount: 1 dollar
     $txn->EXPDATE= $exp1.substr($exp2, -2); //4 digit expiration date
     $txn->FIRSTNAME = $fname;
     $txn->LASTNAME = $lname;
     $txn->STREET = $address;
     $txn->CITY = $city;
     $txn->COUNTRY = $country;
     $txn->STATE = $state;
     $txn->ZIP = $zip;
     $txn->EMAIL = $email;
   //$txn->debug = true; //uncomment to see debugging information
   //$txn->avs_addr_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable AVS address checking, 2 to force "Y" response
   //$txn->avs_zip_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable AVS zip code checking, 2 to force "Y" response
   //$txn->cvv2_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable cvv2 checking, 2 to force "Y" response
   //$txn->fraud_protection = true; //uncomment to enable fraud protection

   //echo "success: " . $txn->txn_successful;
   //echo "response was: ";
   //echo "
   // print_r($txn->response_arr);   

  catch( TransactionDataException $tde ) {
   echo 'bad transaction data ' . $tde->getMessage();
        catch( InvalidCredentialsException $e ) {
   echo 'Invalid credentials';
  catch( InvalidResponseCodeException $irc ) {
   echo 'bad response code: ' . $irc->getMessage();
  catch( AVSException $avse ) {
   echo 'AVS error: ' . $avse->getMessage();
  catch( CVV2Exception $cvve ) {
   echo 'CVV2 error: ' . $cvve->getMessage();
  catch( FraudProtectionException $fpe ) {
   echo 'Fraud Protection error: ' . $fpe->getMessage();
        catch( Exception $e ) {
   echo $e->getMessage();

Code above is very easy to understand.

//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
//ini_set('log_errors', 1);
//ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
// error_reporting(E_ALL);

this is to show error if you have any.
and rest of them are variables.

Hope it will cut down your development time.


One thought on “PHP Paypal Recurring PayPro Flow

  1. Shailesh

    very good but if you want to update credit card detail it takes all junk value like credit no. == ## …
    any solution for this

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