Monthly Archives: September 2015

How to check which apache modules are installed using php?

If you don’t have command line access use this code to see which apache modules are installed.


This will show a list like that.
By the way this not my server 🙂

[0] => core
[1] => prefork
[2] => http_core
[3] => mod_so
[4] => mod_auth_basic
[5] => mod_auth_digest
[6] => mod_authn_file
[7] => mod_authn_alias
[8] => mod_authn_anon
[9] => mod_authn_dbm
[10] => mod_authn_default
[11] => mod_authz_host
[12] => mod_authz_user
[13] => mod_authz_owner
[14] => mod_authz_groupfile
[15] => mod_authz_dbm
[16] => mod_authz_default
[17] => util_ldap
[18] => mod_authnz_ldap
[19] => mod_include
[20] => mod_log_config
[21] => mod_logio
[22] => mod_env
[23] => mod_ext_filter
[24] => mod_mime_magic
[25] => mod_expires
[26] => mod_deflate
[27] => mod_headers
[28] => mod_usertrack
[29] => mod_setenvif
[30] => mod_mime
[31] => mod_dav
[32] => mod_status
[33] => mod_autoindex
[34] => mod_info
[35] => mod_dav_fs
[36] => mod_vhost_alias
[37] => mod_negotiation
[38] => mod_dir
[39] => mod_actions
[40] => mod_speling
[41] => mod_userdir
[42] => mod_alias
[43] => mod_substitute
[44] => mod_rewrite
[45] => mod_proxy
[46] => mod_proxy_balancer
[47] => mod_proxy_ftp
[48] => mod_proxy_http
[49] => mod_proxy_ajp
[50] => mod_proxy_connect
[51] => mod_cache
[52] => mod_suexec
[53] => mod_disk_cache
