How Alexa’s intents, utterances and slots works together ?

To create a Alexa skill, you will first define the intents. For each intent you will add utterances and slots. Utterances are phrases that invoke the intent. Slots are input data required to fulfill the intent. Lastly, you will provide the business logic necessary to execute the action.

Q. What is an Intent?

To build an Amazon skill you will identify a set of goals or ‘intents’ you want your skill to achieve.
A skill can have multiple intents. For example, a ‘BookTickets’ bot can have intents to make reservations, cancel reservations and review

Q. What is an utterance?

An ‘utterance’ is the spoken or typed phrase to invoke an intent. For example, to invoke intent to make reservations you would define an utterance such as “Can I make a reservation?”

Q. What are slots?

To fulfill an intent, the Amazon skill needs information from the user. This information is captured in ‘slots’. For example, you would define show name and time as slots for intent to make reservations.


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